PhD position: Sulfur cycling in Rio Tinto: an Earth analogue for extraterrestrial environments
As previously mentioned on our social media feeds, there is a PhD position available at Stirling University entitled, ‘Out of this world! Sulfur cycling in Rio Tinto, Andalucia, Spain: an Earth analogue for extraterrestrial environments’. The Rio Tinto is an Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) system in southwestern Spain. Its characteristic red colour is derived from iron dissolved in its acidic waters. The area has been mined for metals since the Bronze Age. However, there is evidence that the river waters have been naturally acidic for at least two million years. Hence, Rio Tinto offers...
Read MoreInternational travel support for AbGradCon 2015
The Astrobiology Graduate Conference (AbGradCon) is an annual meeting organised by, and aimed at, early career researchers (PhD students and post-docs) working within the diverse field of astrobiology. The conference seeks to provide a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere to allow early-career researchers with perhaps little conference-going experience the opportunity to present their science to their peers in a professional conference environment. Now in its 12th year, and AbGradCon 2015 will be held at the University of Wisconsin-Madison from the 19th to the 23rd of July, 2015. With...
Read MorePhD position: ‘Terrestrial Impact Craters: The ‘Cradles of life’?’
The University of Glasgow are currently advertising a 4-year fully-funded PhD studentship examining organic carbon in meteorites and impact craters. Brief description: This project will identify the molecular ‘fingerprint’ and origin of Earth’s earliest carbon by reconstructing both the transfer of extraterrestrial carbon to the geological record and the alteration of terrestrial carbon during meteorite bombardment. These goals will be achieved through analysis of a suite of meteorites, samples from terrestrial impact craters, plus material from a series of laboratory hypervelocity impact...
Read MoreSummer School: History and Philosophy of the Origin of Life
Please note this announcement of a summer school on The History and Philosophy of the Origin of Life in Sweden next May. There are student bursaries available. The aim of the course ”History and Philosophy of Astrobiology: The Origin of Life” is to give participants a thorough overview of the historical, philosophical and ethical questions arising in this field. It is co-organised by the Nordic Network of Astrobiology and the EU COST Action “Origins and Evolution of Life on Earth and in the Universe”. The course is open for students and scientists in humanities, natural, social...
Read MoreSTFC exoplanet Community Meeting today at UCL
In case you happen to be in London this afternoon… 11th December 2014, Christopher Ingold XLG2 Auditorium, University College London, 2pm – 4pm The Science and Technology Facilities Council has convened a Review Panel to prepare and provide advice to Science Board on an updated strategy for STFC supported exoplanet research in the form of a recommended UK strategy. As part of this review, the Exoplanets Review Panel is holding a Community meeting on 11th December 2014 in the Christopher Ingold XLG2 Auditorium, University College London. The meeting will commence at 2pm and end at 4pm....
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