Post-doc: Titan’s Atmosphere
This from the University of Bristol’s Nick Teanby: Applications are invited for a three year Post-doctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Planetary Sciences, within the School of Earth Sciences, to study the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, using remote sensing data. Closing date April 13th. Full details here.
Read MoreWater, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe
Please note that the deadline of the Nordic-Hawai’i Summer School, ‘Water, Ice and the Origin of Life in the Universe, is on 15 March 2015. The summer school will take place in Iceland from the 1–13 July 2015. Full information here.
Read MoreUKSA Space Environments Working Group call for nominations
This from the UK Space Agency: The UK Space Agency seeks nominations for membership of its Space Environments Working Group (SEWG). The SEWG provides advice and support to the Agency on matters related to space environments, microgravity and human spaceflight programmes. In practice, this consists principally of UK involvement in ESA’s ELIPS and ISS Utilisation programmes, and associated national activities. The SEWG reports to the Agency’s Space Exploration Advisory Committee (SEAC), which advises the Agency on the breadth of its space exploration activities. SEWG has a particularly...
Read MoreLatest Conversation posts from Jonti Horner
The Astrobiology Society of Britain’s resident Conversation columnist has been busy over the last few months. You can read all his recent articles for the site here. Highlights include ‘What makes one Earth-like planet more habitable than another?’ and ‘Impacts, extinctions and climate in the search for life elsewhere’.
Read MorePhD position: ExoMars PanCam at UCL-MSSL
A UK Space Agency-funded PhD studentship is available at UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory, to work on science preparations for ExoMars PanCam, from 1 October 2015. The UCL-led PanCam instrument (Coates et al., 2012, Griffiths et al., 2006) on the ESA-Russia ExoMars rover is due to reach Mars in 2019 following its planned launch in 2018. The PanCam instrument consists of two wide angle cameras (WACs), each of which include an 11-position filter wheel, complemented by a high resolution camera. Images from the WACs at different wavelengths will provide geological and atmospheric context...
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