Outreach talks offered by our ASB members
Here we list public outreach talks that our ASB members are willing to give, which cover various aspects of astrobiology. Contact information, the region(s) of the UK (or elsewhere in the world) in which the speaker is available, and descriptions of the topics covered can be found in the information below:
Affiliation: Birkbeck College London
Email: i.crawford@bbk.ac.uk
Outreach region: London
Talks offered:
- The search for life in the universe
- Planets around other stars
- Future of space exploration
Affiliation: Formerly of the University of South Wales
Email: martin.darkskywales@gmail.com
Outreach region: Wales and the south west of GB.
Talks offered:
- The Plurality of Worlds – Alien life as imagined throughout western history.
- The Building Blocks of Life
- Organic Matter in the Universe
- Panspermia
- The Origin of Life on Earth
- Evolution and Complexity
- Human Evolution
- Evolution and Intelligence
- Nature of Exoplanets
- Detecting life on Exoplanets
- Rare Earth – is our planet unique?
- The Coming of the Martians
- Mars – is it fit for life?
- Icy satellites in the solar system – possible abodes for life?
- Alien Biochemistries – what could be possible?
- The Drake Equation
- The Fermi Paradox
- Contact with Extraterrestrials: what will it mean for us?
Affiliation: University of Southern Queensland
Email: jonathan.horner@usq.edu.au
Outreach region: Australia
Talks offered:
- Jupiter: Friend or Foe?
- The Neptune Trojans: A window to the birth of the Solar system
- Exoplanets and life elsewhere: Which ExoEarths should we search for life?
- Rocks From Space
- Smashing Planets
Affiliation: Science Communication Ltd and NoR HGT & LUCA
Email: sohan@sohanjheeta.com
Outreach region: Yorkshire
Talks offered:
- Replicator Universe
- Life in the Universe
- The Moon and the space race
- Life in space and gravitational waves
- Moon rocks exhibition
- Careers, motivational and inspirational interaction
Affiliation: Birkbeck, University of London
Email: louisajanepreston@gmail.com
Outreach region: UK
Talks offered:
- Astrobiology and the search for life in the Universe
- The geology and biology of Mars (including missions such as NASA’s Mars Exploration Rovers, the MSL Curiosity Rover, ESA’s ExoMars Programme and many more)
- Analogue space missions and Mars-like environments on the EarthLife in space and gravitational waves
- Extremophiles
- Biosignatures on exoplanets
- Colonisation and space gardening on the Moon and Mars
- Tim Peake and his Principia mission and life on the International Space Station

TED2013. Long Beach, CA. February 25 – March 1, 2013. Photo: Ryan Lash
Affiliation: University of St Andrews
Email: srugheimer@st-andrews.ac.uk
Outreach region: All of UK
Talks offered:
Earth 2.0 - Detecting a Second Origin of Life in our Universe
Story of Life on Earth
Ultraviolet light – friend or foe?
Finding Connection in Public Speaking

Credit: Ben Gebo Photography
Affiliation: UK Centre for Astrobiology (UKCA), University of Edinburgh
Email: adam.stevens@ed.ac.uk
(Web: www.astrobiology.ac.uk Twitter: @UKastrobiology)
Outreach region: Scotland, Central Belt — but further possible
Talks offered: UKCA can deliver a number of talks or workshops on various aspects of astrobiology, including:
- Mars exploration
- Life in space
- Extremophiles
The UKCA has a wide range of professional outreach talks we can offer to groups and schools for all ages. We can happily cover all aspects of astrobiology and have a number of personnel to deliver workshops for large groups. Please get in touch if you would like to run something, we are happy to work to your requirements.
Affiliation: Royal Holloway, University of London
Email: d.waltham@rhul.ac.uk
Outreach region: Southern England
Talks offered: