In case you happen to be in London this afternoon…
11th December 2014, Christopher Ingold XLG2 Auditorium, University College London, 2pm – 4pm
The Science and Technology Facilities Council has convened a Review Panel to prepare and provide advice to Science Board on an updated strategy for STFC supported exoplanet research in the form of a recommended UK strategy.
As part of this review, the Exoplanets Review Panel is holding a Community meeting on 11th December 2014 in the Christopher Ingold XLG2 Auditorium, University College London. The meeting will commence at 2pm and end at 4pm.
The purpose of this meeting is to assess current strengths of the field in the UK and to identify future needs and opportunities. There will be an opportunity to discuss and review some of the main conclusions arising from the recent community questionnaire. This will provide valuable input to the Exoplanets Review Panel as it works towards producing a recommended strategy report for STFC’s Science Board. We welcome attendance from those in the UK exoplanet community and researchers from other areas.
The agenda for the community meeting is:
- STFC statement on purpose of the Exoplanet review
- Summary of results from 2014 community questionnaire
- Opportunity for short (1-2 slides) presentations
- Open discussion
- Future schedule for exoplanet review process
Exoplanets Review Panel
The Science and Technology Facilities Council periodically conduct reviews of its programme. This latest review of exoplanet research in the UK is being largely undertaken by members of the AAP and SSAP, along with specialists working in this area. The Exoplanets Review Panel has been convened to prepare and provide advice to Science Board on an updated strategy for STFC. The full Panel membership is:
Dr Chris Arridge (Lancs)
Dr Stephen Lowry (Kent)
Prof Richard Nelson (QMUL)
Prof Paul O’Brien (Chair) (Leic)
Prof Don Pollacco (Warwick)
Dr David Sing (Exeter)
Prof Giovanna Tinetti (UCL)
Dr Chris Watson (QUB)
with STFC support from:
Sharon Bonfield, Michelle Cooper, Colin Vincent
It is expected that the review Panel will submit a written report to the STFC Science Board in April 2015 and will present its findings at the UK Exoplanet Meeting at Warwick University at about that time. A draft report will also be made available to the community for comment.