A new forum topic “PhD position European Training Network EuroPAH” has been created.
A PhD position is available at Astronomy, Leiden University, under supervision of Prof. Tielens, in close collaboration with drs. ten Kate and King of Earth Sciences, Utrecht University.
Carbonaceous meteorites and comets show a varied organic composition thought to reflect, at least partly, a heritage that dates back to interstellar clouds. A variety of processes on parent asteroidal bodies and comets will have modified any inherited material. PAHs are one key component in the interstellar medium. The student will develop models for the chemical evolution of PAHs in an aqueous environment and the photochemical evolution of ices. S/he will identify chemical markers for these processes, make predictions for ALMA and JWST observations, and assess the astronomical implications by comparison to meteoritic and cometary composition. Secondments are foreseen to Heriot Watt University, Aarhus University, and Graphic Science.
The Ideal Candidate has the equivalent of a master’s degree in organic chemistry, physical chemistry, astronomy, Earth sciences, or physics; experimental and computational experience preferably in: Raman and IR spectroscopy, density functional theory; a good working knowledge in English. Certain restrictions on nationality apply related to mobility requirements from the Marie Curie Program.
PhD information: http://europah.eu/Recruitment/esr%20position%204.html
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