Post-doc: Titan’s Atmosphere
This from the University of Bristol’s Nick Teanby: Applications are invited for a three year Post-doctoral Research Assistant/Associate in Planetary Sciences, within the School of Earth Sciences, to study the atmosphere of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, using remote sensing data. Closing date April 13th. Full details here.
Read MorePhD position: ExoMars PanCam at UCL-MSSL
A UK Space Agency-funded PhD studentship is available at UCL’s Mullard Space Science Laboratory, to work on science preparations for ExoMars PanCam, from 1 October 2015. The UCL-led PanCam instrument (Coates et al., 2012, Griffiths et al., 2006) on the ESA-Russia ExoMars rover is due to reach Mars in 2019 following its planned launch in 2018. The PanCam instrument consists of two wide angle cameras (WACs), each of which include an 11-position filter wheel, complemented by a high resolution camera. Images from the WACs at different wavelengths will provide geological and atmospheric context...
Read MorePost-doc: ‘Designing an extraterrestrial sample curation facility’ at the Vienna NHM
This via Dr. Ludovic Ferrière at the NHM Vienna: This 2-year Post-Doctoral position available at the Natural History Museum Vienna is part of the Horizon 2020 European Commission Research and Innovation programme, call COMPET-8-2014: “Science in context: sample curation facility and scientific exploitation of data from Mars missions”. The plan of EURO-CARES is to create a roadmap for the implementation of a European Extra-terrestrial Sample Curation Facility (ESCF). Our aim is to improve European competitiveness in this field by road-mapping the required steps and highlighting...
Read MoreJob opportunity: PRDA in experimental astrochemistry
The three-year postdoc is based within the Department of Physical Sciences at The Open University in Milton Keynes, UK. From the advert: You will study the aggregation processes that lead from proto-planetary conditions to the formation of small solar system bodies, such as comets and asteroids. You will be required to further develop and exploit a dedicated experimental apparatus designed for both laboratory (1g) and microgravity (~ 0g) conditions, to elucidate mechanisms and outcomes of collisions between icy grains, as a function of ice-phase, grain size and ice ‘porosity’. Head here for...
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