To support the next generation of academic research and innovation leaders, the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Edinburgh proposes to appoint up to 10 new Chancellor’s Fellows. The School of Physics and Astronomy is leading on the recruitment of Fellows in the area of Extreme Conditions/Astrobiology
Specifically, the School expects a key output from the Chancellor’s Fellowships to be closer links to the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions and the UK Centre for Astrobiology, bringing new projects with industry that will create significant opportunities for cross-fertilization of our algorithm research with exploitation of IP from big science projects.
In particular, they would like to find someone who will set up and run their own group in extreme biology/astrobiology, particularly microbiologists and people with an interest in linking that to space exploration. As the Centre for Science at Extreme Conditions has an interest in high pressure science, an interest in high pressure biology would be very attractive, but not essential. The position could also cover people interested in space biotechnology/space manufacturing as this is of interest to the School of Biological Sciences who are setting up a new biotechnology centre.
Closing date: 15 October 2018
More details at: https://www.ph.ed.ac.uk/chancellors-fellows