Aliens are coming… Join 5×15 stories & Jim Al-Khalili for an evening of fascinating astrobiological investigation on 9th November at Conway Hall, London.
It’s the biggest question we’ve ever faced, one that has fascinated generations of humans: do aliens exist? If they did, what would they look like? How would they think? And – what would it mean for us if we found them? Join us as Professor Jim Al-Khalili considers these questions, alongside four other curious minds who have all contributed to his new book on the topic, Aliens. If you’ve ever looked up into the starry sky and wondered ‘are we alone?’ then this event might just be for you. Featuring Dallas Campbell (writer and presenter), Louisa Preston (astrobiologist), Adam Rutherford (science writer and presenter) and Lewis Dartnell (astrobiologist).
Information and tickets: http://www.ticketweb.co.uk/event/5×15-on-aliens-science-from-the-other-side-tickets/251479