Frontiers of Sciences V will now be held as a virtual conference.
In association with the RSB, RSC, the ASB and NoR CEL, Virtual Frontiers of Sciences V: A Spotlight on Scientific Discoveries of Our Times will be held on Saturday 20th March, 2021.
To join contact Sohan Jheeta: sohan@sohanjheeta.com
13.30—13.45: Open conference: Sohan Jheeta
13.45—14.30 (45 min): Dr Terry Kee, University of Leeds; Presentation: What isn’t Life?
14.30—15.15 (45 min): A/Prof Rowena Ball, Australian National University; Presentation: Anomalous thermal fluctuation distribution favours primordial chemical evolution.
15.15—15.30(15 min): Short break
15.30—16.15 (45 min): Prof Elias Chatzitheodoridis, National Technical University of Athens, Greece; Presentation: Detecting the signatures of life: state-of-the-art instruments and methods.
16.15—16.30: Wrap-up: Sohan Jheeta