Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the planned EANA meeting in Bologna will be postponed to another year. Instead, a shortened virtual meeting will be organized to connect the European Astrobiology community, with a vivid and interactive programme for two half days on 27th and 28th August, 2020. The virtual meeting will consist of selected keynote presentations, a live panel discussion, our well-known Space Factor student contest, as well as poster presentations.
Virtual meetings go beyond the concepts of space-time because anyone will be able to make use of online meetings at any place, any time. Distance will be not a barrier and interaction will be facilitated! The EANA2020 virtual meeting is a great opportunity for our network to reach out to more international participation.
Abstract submission
The abstract submission deadline (31st July 2020) is fast approaching. For further information, including abstract submission instructions please visit: http://www.eana-net.eu/index.php?page=Conferences/EANA2020