ASB Internships 2020
The Astrobiology Society of Britain can provide financial support for undergraduate research internships in the UK that fall within the field of astrobiology. Internships offer valuable research experience and provide a window into potential career paths. We are now accepting research proposal submissions for summer 2020. Proposals should be sent to before the 28th of February to allow judging before the summer. Full details can be found on our internships page. Details of current astrobiology-related researchers and research groups across the UK are listed on...
Read MoreFrontiers of Sciences V, March 2020
Frontiers of Sciences V, March 2020 The next Frontiers of Sciences meeting is taking place in Leeds in association with the Astrobiology Society of Britain, the Royal Society of Biology, NoR CEL and the Royal Society of Chemistry. Date: Saturday 14th March 2020 Time: 10.00 – 15.00 Speakers: 10:30-11:15: Dr Terry Kee, University of Leeds—What Isn’t Life?11:15-12.00: Prof Elias Chatzitheodoridis, National Technical University of Athens—Detecting the signatures of life: state-of-the-art instruments and methods12:00-12:30: Coffee Break12:30-13:15: Prof Mike Garrett, University of...
Read MoreWorkshop on Planetary Science 25-27th March 2020
The Chianti Topics International Focus Workshop is an extraordinary opportunity for experts in a selected field to meet and discuss in the beauty of the Chianti hills and a unique chance for an in-depth study of a topic for young researchers. The 4th edition of the Chianti Topics will be held in San Donato in Poggio, Italy from 25-27th March 2020 and is organized by Università di Firenze and Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica (INAF). The workshop will offer an up-to-date view of planetary atmosphere research and Solar System planetary analogues and models. Researchers are invited to discuss...
Read MoreCall for Abstracts – The First Billion Years: Habitability
The First Billion Years: Habitability conference will be held in Big Sky, Montana from September 8 – 12. The conference focuses on habitability, producing conditions conducive to life, the emergence of life on Earth, the potential for the emergence of life on other solar system bodies, and extensions to extrasolar systems. The conference format is intended to foster multi- and interdisciplinary discussion on the processes and physical conditions that affected the development of potentially habitable environments during the first billion years, how such environments evolved over time, and how...
Read MoreBig History & Astrobiology
A special issue of the Journal of Big History on the relationships between astrobiology and big history is now available at: Edited by Ian Crawford (Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Birkbeck College, University of London, UK), this issue comprises a collection of papers based on the the meeting Expanding Worldviews: Astrobiology, Big History, and the Social and Intellectual Benefits of the Cosmic Perspective held at the Australian National University in Canberra, Australia last year.
Read MoreConference Announcement: EANA 2019
The 19th European Astrobiology Network Association (EANA) Conference will be held in the historical centre of Orléans, France on 3-6 September 2019. EANA joins together people interested in the origins of life and the search for extraterrestrial life in the Solar System and beyond. This interdisciplinary domain involves scientists from multiple disciplines, such as chemistry, physics, biology, geology, astronomy, and human sciences. Once again the annual EANA conference will welcome abstracts from all of these topics, with a special focus on space missions. Registration and abstract...
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