ASB7 Early Career Workshop
The ASB Early Career Workshop aims to connect early career astrobiologists from across the UK and give them access to senior UK astrobiologists and scientists from industry to get knowledge and advice on how to advance their careers.
Date: Tuesday 12th September
Time: 1pm – 5:30pm, followed by a networking dinner (cost covered for participants).
The objectives of the workshop are:
- To highlight possible career paths within astrobiology and beyond.
- To provide advice for early career scientists looking to further their career.
- To build links between early career scientists, established UK astrobiologists and industry.
- To disseminate and build skills appropriate to careers in astrobiology.
- To allow early career scientists to build networks that will drive future UK astrobiology.
The workshop will include:
- Aurora Fellows and industry professionals from a variety of backgrounds talking about career choices and giving advice.
- Round robin table discussions to allow one-on-one time with senior scientists.
- A workshop on how to present your science to different audiences – including key parts of academic and industrial roles such as grant panels, paper writing, public outreach and journalism.
- An evening networking dinner event to allow you to develop your own networks with early career scientists and others in the UK community in an informal setting.
Registration is available when signing up for the ASB 2017 Conference, and please remember the student bursaries available.