The Royal Institution will be hosting some events this October that may be of interest to ASB members. These will explore questions such as “Why does the universe seem to be just right for life?” and “What does the future of science have in store?” Details below:
A fortunate universe
Tuesday 17 October, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
Over the last century, scientists have come to realise that if the universe had been born with even slightly different properties, life would be impossible, and the cosmos would be dead and sterile. So why does our universe appear to be just right for life? Join cosmologists Geraint Lewis and Luke Barnes in a rolling journey though modern science, from the incredibly small to the immensely large, and examine one of the biggest puzzles of them all: namely, why are we here? The answer will, undoubtedly, change our understanding of our place in the universe, or universes!
How to leave the planet
Thursday 19 October, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
For millennia humans have been firmly rooted to the Earth. And sure it’s got some good things going for it, but if you want a change of scenery, why not try space? Join science broadcaster and documentary maker Dallas Campbell in conversation with former Christmas Lecturer Kevin Fong for a complete guide to getting off the planet.
What’s next: Visions of the future
Monday 30 October, 7.00pm – 8.30pm
What does the future have in store? How will advances in medicine, robotics, artificial intelligence, energy production and genetic engineering change the world? Join Jim Al-Khalili and a panel of horizon scanners from across the sciences for a futuristic evening of prediction, debate and discussion.