Cornell currently has vacancies for postdocs/research associates within the Carl Sagan Institute and the Department of Astronomy that span various themes within the field of exoplanets and astrobiology.
- Several postdoc/research positions (with Lisa Kaltenegger): – review of applicants start Nov 10 2016. DETAILS: The Exoplanet team at the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University is seeking Research Associate scholars to work on Characterization of exoplanets, from interior models, over Habitable Zone calculations in 1D and 3D, Mini to Super-Earth atmosphere with Earth-like and non-Earth like atmosphere composition models and the effect of life and extremophiles on the planet’s atmosphere. These positions are part of the Carl Sagan Institute at Cornell University, an interdisciplinary institute consisting of 24 faculty members from 11 departments, focused on the search for life inside and outside our own Solar System. The successful candidates will work primarily with Professor Lisa Kaltenegger, Founding Director of the Institute, TESS Science CO-I, and NIRISS Science team member. There is considerable latitude in the science program that can be pursued.
- 1 research associate position on Exoplanets, Disks and Compact Objects (with Dong Lai) in – review starts Dec 15 2016. DETAILS: Applications are invited for a Research Associate position at Cornell University. We are interested in candidates with prior experience in theoretical/ computational astrophysics. The successful applicant will work with Prof. Dong Lai on various theoretical astrophysics problems, focusing on astrophysical (particle and fluid/MHD) dynamics, with applications to exoplanets, accretion disks and compact objects (black holes, neutron stars and white dwarfs). The successful applicant will join the research group of Prof. Dong Lai (see at the Cornell Center for Astrophysics and Planetary Science, housed in the Academic Department of Astronomy. He/she will also have opportunity to interact with other theoretical astrophysicists and planetary scientists at Cornell, as well as opportunity to carry out independent research.