Edinburgh will host the third early career astrobiology meeting, Building Habitable Worlds in February 2017.
Tuesday 21 February 2017 – UK Centre for Astrobiology, CSEC Seminar Room, Erskine Williamson Building, King’s Buildings, University of Edinburgh
Building Habitable Worlds is an annual one-day meeting for early career scientists with an interest in astrobiology, providing an opportunity for networking and expressing your views on the future and direction of astrobiology research in the UK. The day will consist of a morning of talks from participants, while the afternoon will be focused on group discussions to explore new ideas for collaboration and future links between participants.
Register on goo.gl/WNdnFL before 1 February 2017 (no registration fee). The first inaugural meeting of the Scottish Planetary Research Network (SPERO) will take place in Edinburgh the next day (22 February 2017), for which participants can also register using the same link. Questions to h.k.e.landenmark@sms.ed.ac.uk.