The 8th Astrobiology Society of Britain Conference will be hosted by Newcastle University on 25-26th of April 2019, focusing on the topic of ‘Habitability below the ice line’. The ASB Conference series continues its objective of promoting discussion on UK astrobiology interests in research, education and outreach.
An Early Careers Workshop (limited spaces available) will be held on the 24th April. This event is free, but attendees then must sign up to the main event on 25th April. Further details will be available on the website in due course.
A conference dinner is included in the delegate rate on Thursday 25th April.
Please be aware that you should only sign up to the Discounted Student Rate if you submit an abstract poster or prepare an abstract talk at the conference.
Abstracts for oral and poster presentations will be accepted in ALL aspects of Astrobiology, however suggested themed sessions are:
• Habitability of cold and icy environments
• ExoMars related science
• Methods for in situ and remote sensing of biosignatures and habitability
• Applied impact and outreach
Abstract submission deadline: 20 March 2019.
Registration deadline: 15 April 2019.
Full details, registration and abstract submission here.